The best advice for driving foggy areas is to delay your trip until conditions improve. However, this is sometimes not possible. Fog can reduce visibility to less than 50 meters. At 60 mph, it is only for half a second in front of you. It is necessary to do everything possible to improve your vision, and to warn other drivers of your intentions as soon as possible.

Driving in the Fog
It’s hard to notice the fog getting thicker, so visibility can be reduced without you knowing it. To improve your vision, use your wipers and defroster to minimize condensation on the windows. Also be sure to use a low beam, because high and reflected light in your eyes. For orientation in the road, follow the solid lines on the outer lanes.
Following Distance
You need to maintain proper following distance when going through foggy places. At high speeds, the car can reach the visible objects in the distance before you have a chance to respond to it. You can assess how close they are based on assessments Skip – white line between lanes on the highway. Each character masking is about 40 meters from each other, so if you do not see any jump means that you are too close. Try to stay as far back as possible while still keeping the vehicle in front of you in your eyes. Fog makes the road wet, therefore, braking will require a greater distance. Do not use cruise control, so you are always in full control of the car.
Stay focused on the road
Driving through fog is not a time for multi-tasking. Try to concentrate, stop jazzing with other passengers, turn down the radio and be attentive on the road. Roll down your window to help you hear other traffic on the road.
Alert other drivers
Fog not only increases the chances of trouble keeping the car on the road but also increases the chances are surprised by the actions of other cars. It gives other cars the maximum amount of time to react to help avoid accidents. Although you should not change lanes, unless you really need it, when you do, turn on flashing for a long time prior to the change so other cars can react. In addition, we try to apply the brakes gradually so other drivers will have the opportunity to react and avoid a pileup.